The Indoor Billboard Advertising Association
IBAA helps advertising agencies, entrepreneurs and businesses looking for the most cost-effective, targeted way to advertise their products and services. Since 1998, the IBAA has served as the information clearinghouse and promotional arm for restroom advertising companies throughout the U.S. and Canada. Our industry's primary focus is "Restroom Advertising" which captures the attention of the young and affluent 21-35 year old demographic. Restroom Advertising is widely recognized as an extremely targeted, well-received advertising medium, and reaches a captive audience while they engage in social settings at high trafficked locations such as restaurants, night clubs, sports bars, arenas and other venues From an uncluttered, captive, eye-level vantage point, making it unavoidable.
Junior Billboard Association
JBA's strategic objectives are to create a positive legislative, regulatory, and legal environment for the junior poster industry; to provide leadership, services, and standards to promote, protect and advance the industry: and to improve the quality, appearance, and effectiveness of the posters for its industry members.
Outdoor Advertising Association of America
The OAAA is the lead trade association representing the outdoor advertising industry. Founded in 1891, the OAAA is dedicated to promoting, protecting and advancing outdoor advertising interests in the US. With nearly 800 member companies, the OAAA represents more than 90 percent of industry revenues To lead and unite a responsible outdoor advertising industry that is committed to serving the needs of advertisers, consumers, and the public.
Geopath, originally the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, is a not-for-profit organization governed by advertisers, agencies, and media companies. Geopath’s historical mission was to audit the circulation of out of home media in the U.S. Geopath uses data, technology, and media research to measure and analyze audience location that shows how consumers engage with out of home advertising.
Updated October 2019