National Association of Broadcasters
NAB is the premier trade association representing America’s radio and TV stations, and it is also a mechanism for many non-profits and government agencies to reach out to broadcasters at the national, state and community levels. NAB is helping broadcasters find opportunities for better, more innovative ways to deliver the high-quality content and services that local communities expect and deserve. The NAB Radio Show, is the premier event that brings together executives to discuss cutting edge methods for the creation, management, buying/selling, distribution and delivery of radio programming.
Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB)
RAB's mission is to lead industry initiatives and provide organizational, educational, research and advocacy programs and services that benefit the RAB membership and the Radio industry as a whole. To that end, RAB endeavors to share knowledge, facilitate consensus, and support the economic vitality of the industry by enhancing the perception of radio as a primary medium for advertisers and the public.
Radio & TV News Directors
RTDNA is the world's largest professional organization exclusively serving the electronic news profession, consisting of more than 3,000 news directors, news associates, educators and students. RTDNA represents electronic journalists in radio, television and all digital media, as well as journalism educators and students. Our members are news directors, producers, reporters, anchors, general managers, professors, students, industry suppliers, operations managers and digital content managers. RTDNA is dedicated to setting standards for newsgathering and reporting.
Updated 10/18/19