On this page you can read articles about:
Plan, Engage, and Execute - Launch PSA Campaigns That Connect
by Bill Goodwill
Published by PR News
This article discusses the importance of having a solid plan for your PSA campaign
including defining your audience, media collaboration tactics, developing a solid distribution plan
and tracking performance.
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The 5 P's of TV PSAs
Author: B. Goodwill, Communicator's Guide
Synopsis: This article discusses how Planning, Promotion, Placement,
Performance, and Professional Competence can impact your PSA campaign.
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Using PSA Strategy to Generate Media Support
Author: B. Goodwill, Non-Profit Times
Synopsis: A highly competitive environment for PSAs requires organizations
seeking airtime and print space to use aggressive, imaginative tactics
in developing their campaign plan. Article outlines strategic
steps organizations can employ to maximize their campaign exposure.
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Six Tips for Getting Your PSA Aired
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: Getting your PSAs on the air is getting more difficult than ever,
but this article may increase your chances for valuable exposure.
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For Social Cause Advertising, Try 'Disenfranchise Marketing'
Author: Clifford Medney, Public Service Report Newsletter
Synopsis: "Marketing efforts against drug abuse, AIDS and the
environment, to name a few, are one-dimensionally skewed from an advertising
platform." To be effective, the issue being promoted via PSAs needs to be treated as
a product, like a "giant bar of soap out of control" to "disenfranchise"
the product from the purchaser."
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Let's Clear The Air About Public Service Announcements
by Jack McGuire
Synopsis: Mass communication expert outlines five major factors to consider when producing PSAs
to generate maximum exposure.
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10 Commandments of PSAs
Author: John Paul Kowal, Public Relations Journal
Synopsis: Often, PSAs alienate the audience by instilling guilt,
confusion, or leaving a ho-hum impression, but this need not happen
if you observe these dos and don'ts.
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How to Get Results With PSAs
Author: Margie Goldsmith, Public Relations Journal
Synopsis: PSAs - particularly for TV - have grown substantially in
recent years, and this article provides a good overall review of frequency
of usage and planning strategies.
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You Can Produce Effective PSAs
Author: William D. Novelli
Synopsis: Despite widespread criticism, public health PSAs can be
effective if you maximize your efforts by taking a systematic, evaluative
approach to programs. This article was written by one of the most
knowledgeable experts in the country on social issues marketing, and
was a co-founder of the public relations firm Porter-Novelli.
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Synopsis: A lot of professionals working in mass communications lump all forms
of social marketing together, but in fact, there are three separate disciplines
under the general umbrella term "social marketing." They include Cause Marketing,
Public Service Advertising and Social Issues Marketing. You can learn more about
Cause Marketing and Social Issues Marketing
In Public Service Ads, Celebrities Can Drum Up Fame or Shame
Published in the Washington Post
Synopsis: Some experts think the public and media need
additional incentive to use and view PSAs because when
a famous spokesperson appears, you are more likely to pay
attention. Others warn that tying a star to a cause may backfire
because organizations have no control over the direction of a celebrity's reputation after a spot is completed.
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Kenneth Cole Creates and Launches "We All Have AIDS"
Public Service Campaign on World AIDS Day
Synopsis: Media giant Viacom and the Kaiser Family Foundation join together to launch a national public education initiative to address AIDS.
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So You Want Your Spokesperson to Be Famous
Published in PR News
Synopsis: While common wisdom says that celebrity
sells, this article says you should think carefully about using
a celebrity spokesperson for your product, service or cause.
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How to Engage Community Partners in Your Issue
Author: Bill Goodwill
Published in Non-Profit Times
Synopsis: Some non-profits with local affiliates or chapters operate independently and
some are under fairly tight control of the national office. Either way, it is important to
engage your community partners in your PSA campaign and this article explains how to do it.
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Creating a Community Partnership
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: To the extent you can do it, developing community partnerships between the national
office, your local offices and the media will get you much more airtime because the media cares more about
local than national issues.
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How to Place PSAs in Your Community
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: PSA placement - particularly at the local level - requires very specialized expertise
and this article provides valuable tips on what works.
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Creative Considerations
by Bill Goodwill
Ten tips to think about when creating your next PSA campaign.
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How To Make Your PSAs Stand Out In The Crowd
Source: Reprinted with permission from PR Week Newspaper
With all the causes out there, the competition to get a public service
announcement aired just gets tougher and tougher. Tony Seideman explores
the creative elements you should consider to give your spot some zing
- and increase its chances.
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What Factors Make Great PSAs - What to Avoid
The following questions were posed to Bill Goodwill, CEO, Goodwill
Communications, Inc. by a reporter for PR News
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What Makes a Successful PSA Campaign?
Author: Dr. Jack Jorgens, Accent Media, McLean, VA
Synopsis: A seasoned producer provides eight key factors to consider when producing and distributing PSAs to
the media.
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A Word About Public Service Announcements
Published in Executive Update, the magazine of the
Greater Washington Society of Association Executives.
Authors: Bill Lang & Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: PSAs, strategically created and distributed,
can help to achieve organizational marketing goals in a very cost-effective
manner while netting millions of comparable advertising dollars in free
space and airtime.
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How to Create A Top Notch PSA
Published in PR News
Synopsis: Article highlights various tips and techniques
for maximizing exposure via PSA campaigns.
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How Digital Distribution Affects PSAs
Synopsis: Digital distribution of PSAs will impact your PSA campaigns in a
variety of ways which are discussed in this article.
Authors: Bill Goodwill and James Baumann
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Recyling PSAs
Synopsis: When you have a modest budget for PSA production, think about think about recycling a PSA
you distributed previously.
Author: Bill Goodwill
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Using PSA Values to Help Your Fund Raising
Synopsis: This important article tells you how you can use your
PSA evaluation data to help in your fund raising efforts.
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Passive Monitoring Generates PSA Credibility
Synopsis: The Nielsen SpotTrac passive monitoring system adds credibility
and value for broadcast TV PSA campaigns.
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Why Evaluate Your Campaign?
Synopsis: In this data-driven culture, evaluating your marketing efforts
is more important than ever and this article tells why PSA evaluation is
so important.
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Tracking PSA Response Via Toll-Free Telephone Numbers
Synopsis: The set up of a toll free phone number for your customers
might initially entail some expenses and hassles. But various companies
had excellent success with the use of toll free phone numbers in their
PSA campaigns.
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How You Can Use Evaluation Data to Fine-Tune Your PSA Program
Author: B. Goodwill, Workshop Handout, NBACA Conference, Houston, TX.
Synopsis: Developing a comprehensive evaluation system for your PSA
program is critical to measuring success, and being able to justify
the worth of your efforts. The article provides eleven parameters
for measuring PSA effectiveness, with graphs for each.
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Defining PSA Success Through Benchmarks
Author: B. Goodwill
Synopsis: Author provides PSA campaign data resulting from 64 TV
PSA releases, 21 radio campaigns, 11 print releases and four outdoor
campaigns, to establish a benchmark of PSA attainment against which other campaigns can be
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Overcoming Declining PSA Response Rates
Author: B. Goodwill, Public Service Report Newsletter
Synopsis: Article outlines four major reasons for declining PSA response
rates where business reply cards are used as the method of evaluation,
and four techniques to overcome the problem.
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How a PSA Audit Can Validate Your Success
Synopsis: Your non-profit spends a lot of money on producing and
distributing PSAs, but how do you know if they are working to achieve
your objectives? This article tells you how to answer the question
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The Need for Campaign Standards
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: Every PSA distributor uses different methodology to evaluate PSA usage, making it
impossible to compare the results between one distributor and another. This article calls
for a universal standard which would help compare results among different distributors
and add more credibility to the PSA evaluation process.
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Are Public Service Ads Effective?
Source: National Crime Prevention Council, Catalyst Newsletter.
Synopsis: This article is a synopsis of a larger and very definitive
study regarding the role of public service advertising in deterring
crime. The study, entitled "The Social Impact of the National
Citizens' Crime Prevention Campaign," was funded by the Justice
Department and provides an excellent overview of PSA effectiveness,
as well as an extensive bibliography of research studies on the subject.
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ARF Study Shows PSA Impact
Source: Advertising Research Foundation, reprinted in Public Service
Report Newsletter
Synopsis: Research conducted by ARF in a study entitled "A
Strategic Research Approach to Measuring Ad Effectiveness"
concluded that PSAs can induce significant changes in public health
behavior. The project was jointly sponsored by the Advertising Council
and the American Cancer Society. Objectives of the study included:
measuring effects of PSAs on the awareness, beliefs and actions of
the target audience; measuring the effects of both average media schedules
over time; and creating a research model to aid in evaluating future
PSA campaigns.
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PSAs: Do They Really Work?
Author: Bill Goodwill
Source: Capital Communicator Newsletter
Synopsis: Author provides PSA campaign data from a variety of PSA
campaigns to demonstrate that PSAs are not shown exclusively in "junk
time," that they can stimulate a large volume of calls to 800
numbers, and that they provide a good return on investment.
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Don't Make Your Bath Water Too Hot and Keep Your
Dogs Away from the Antifreeze
Author: Doug Hill, TV Guide
Public service ads can run at the oddest times on the oddest subjects,
but do seem to have an impact, including those campaigns aired by
the networks using their own stable of personalities and talent. This
article provides several examples of campaigns that have been successful,
and how important PSA exposure is to both non-profits and stations.
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Benefits of Passive Evaluation
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: The Nielsen SpotTrac system largely replaces self-reporting
but there are some situations where business reply cards have to be included in the
PSA evaluation process.
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PSAs Can Make a Difference, But it Takes Time
Author: Ruth Wooden, Advertising Age
Synopsis: The former president of the Ad Council cites examples such
as the United Negro College Fund to illustrate the power of PSAs to
raise funds and public awareness, and provides reasons why many PSAs
fail to reach their objectives.
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How to Place PSAs in Your Community
Author: B. Goodwill, GoodNews Newsletter
Synopsis: A basic primer for non-profit communications staff working
at the grass-roots level, which addresses the importance of localism
in placing PSAs, tips for localizing national PSAs, formulating contact
lists, material formats and evaluating your efforts.
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Network Clearance of Your PSAs
Synopsis: Guidelines on how to approach TV networks when "pitching"
your PSA campaign to them.
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Top Ten Trends Affecting PSAs
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: In spite of the dramatic changes in media habits and an ever changing media landscape,
PSAs and traditional media still are viable according to this article.
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Stand Up and Stand Out With PSAs
Author: Jerry Wishnow
Synopsis: This article outlines the most important reasons why the media should use PSAs and
helps non-profits understand why they use them in the first place.
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Why You Should Get PSA Bids
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: If you want to control costs, get the best ideas for your next PSA campaign and impress your
boss with your cost containment procedures, then get bids from at least three different distributors.
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Health PSAs: What Does the Future Hold?
Source: Public Service Report Newsletter
Synopsis: A roundtable discussion among 41 health communications
practitioners reviewing the PSA environment, new proposals for paid
air time and recommendations for future action.
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Behavior Change in the Old and New Eras
Authors: Bill Goodwill and Ken Fischer
Synopsis: This article explores new techniques for audience engagement which
can support PSA campaigns.
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A Brief History of Public Service Advertising
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: Public service advertising is nearly as old as our country itself
and This article provides a historical background on how PSAs have been used
over the years to accomplish various social objectives.
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The Four R's of Broadcasting & Why They Matter
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: A detailed discussion of why TV and radio stations use
PSAs in spite of the fact that they derive no revenue from them.
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First Ever PSA Conference - Great Ideas, New Directions
Synopsis: The first conference exclusively dedicated to public service
advertising was held in Washington, DC to review the entire spectrum
of PSAs, addressing what works, new media habits, evaluation procedures
and guidelines for PSA network clearance.
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Peddling a Social Cause; Article Review
Source: A. Miller and E. Williams, Newsweek
Synopsis: The advertising community has invested time, talent and
other resources to help inform and educate the American public about
a wide variety of social causes and it has paid dividends to the advertising
agencies as well as the general public
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Education Should Be Sole Purpose of PSAs
Author: Ruth Wooden, Advertising Age
The former president of the Ad Council takes television networks
to task for a declining trend in PSA support and rebuts the notion that
network promos that air as PSAs or cause related marketing should be counted
as PSAs. Article gives specifics on the amount of network support that
has been donated by the networks and calls for increased support for important
social causes.
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Pro-Bono PSA Campaigns
One way to save tens of thousands of dollars in production expenses for your next PSA campaign is
to get production assistance from external organizations and this article explains the details
about how to do it.
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PSA Contests
Staging a PSA contest is an inexpensive way to get high-quality PSAs produced and this article
covers the advantages to both the non-profit sponsor as well as the student producers.
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Outdoor: A New Medium for New Audiences
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: Once disparaged by environmentalists as "blight on a stick" today's outdoor
posters are more creative and showing up every place people congregate.
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Outdoor: Reaching People Where They Live, Work and Play
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: Not only are outdoor posters ubiquitous; they can also be strategically placed
to reach various kinds of audiences as demonstrated by this article..
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Outdoor Advertising: A Medium for All Seasons
By Diane Cimine - Executive Vice President, Marketing, OAAA
Reprinted With Permission
Synopsis: Outdoor advertising is evolving to meet the needs of a different, highly mobile society and a whole new venue of alternative media” is coming on stream.
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Outdoor Types
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: There are many different types of outdoor posters, ranging from small urban posters to giant
digital displays towering over Times Square. This article describes the different types and their advantages.
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Owners Turn Cars Into Moving Messages
Excerpted from The Washington Post
Synopsis: Many people are turning their personal vehicles into rolling billboard advertisements in
exchange for monthly payments.
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Outdoor Design Tips
Synopsis: Designing outdoor advertising takes special copywriting and design skills due to the limited
time audiences have to view and digest outdoor messages. This article provides tips on how to attract
maximum attention with outdoor ads. .
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Outdoor Industry Studies Consumer Response to Medium
Synopsis: The OAAA has retained Sensory Logic to determine how consumers respond to visual cues in outdoor advertising.
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Outdoor Advertising Industry Overview
By Erwin Ephron (partner, Ephron, Papazian & Ephron, Inc
Synopsis: A consultant which has worked closely with the OAAA, discusses the advantages of the outdoor advertising medium.
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Billboards Add New Dimension To World of Multimedia
Excerpted from Wall Street Journal
Synopsis: The intrusiveness of outdoor advertising is a major advantage to many companies, including dot coms in the Silicon Valley.
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The Great Outdoors
Excerpted from Fortune Magazine
Synopsis: Outdoor advertising is being discovered and Wall Street wants a piece of the action.
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Paid vs PSAs
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: A few organizations - namely the U.S. military services - have been able
to pursue a paid and PSA strategy simultaneously, but there are risks involved, particularly
if you do not have a large sustaining paid budget. This article tells about the pitfalls and
best approaches to avoid problems.
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Line Between Public Service, Paid Ads Blurs
Source: Advertising Age
Synopsis: Article discusses the controversy surrounding corporations
that underwrite PSA campaigns for worthy causes by funneling funds
through a non-profit.
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Paid Vs. Donated Media Strategies for PSA Campaigns
Authors: John Murry, Jr., Atonie Stam and John Lastovicka, Public
Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 60: 1-29
Synopsis: PSA campaigns have traditionally relied on donated rather
than paid advertising media. Recently, however, organizations have
questioned whether donated-media strategies should be abandoned for
paid campaigns. The article examines this issue in a three-market
field experiment comparing the effectiveness of these two methods
in decreasing youth drinking and driving. Note: the following abstract
reviews the scholarly article.
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Tough Competition for Free Television Time Leads
Charities to Weigh Paid Commercials
Author: Elizabeth Klein, The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Synopsis: Stiff competition for public service advertising on television
has prompted many major charities to consider paying for broadcast
time. This trend marks a major shift in public service advertising.
Charities are also using new strategies including asking corporations
to buy broadcast time, using consulting companies to distribute PSAs
more effectively, and submitting PSAs to more cable television networks.
Charities now face competition from state agencies and from "mega-campaigns"
created by coalitions of non-profit groups and government agencies.
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Does Promotion Really Work?
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: Aggressively promoting your campaign can add significant value to your results.
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What is it You Want to Sell Me?
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: People do not donate money to charities that they do not know and trust. This
article tells about how PSAs and promotion can help you build a stronger brand image.
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Ten Tips for More Effective Radio PSA Campaigns
Synopsis: Practical tips for organizations who are planning radio PSA campaigns.
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How to Launch a Record Radio PSA
Author: Suzanne Cale Young
Synopsis: This article shows what can be achieved when all the pieces come together to form
a solid strategy for radio - great creative, media flexibility, a partnership with Clear Channel,
a plan to engage community partners and thorough evaluation.
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Marketing Your Message via Radio PSAs
Author: Bill Goodwill
Source: Government Communicator Magazine
Synopsis: Radio has many advantages for PSA campaigns, including
lower production costs, the ability to target specific types of audiences and other
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Planning Your Radio PSA - A Producer's Checklist
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: A checklist of all the steps you need to follow to create a successful
radio PSA.
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Six Tips for Getting Your PSA Aired
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: Getting your PSAs on the air is getting more difficult than ever,
but this article may increase your chances for valuable exposure.
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Network Clearance
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: Usage of your TV PSAs on national networks can add a huge amount of exposure to
your PSA campaign, but you have to know the rules for getting on the air which are explained in this article.
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Transition to Digital Broadcasting
Synopsis: The transition to digital broadcasting has had a revolutionary impact on
all facets of public service advertising - particularly TV - as discussed in this article.
Author: Bill Goodwill
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Ten Tips for More Effective TV PSA Campaigns
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: Practical tips for organizations which distribute PSA campaigns.
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The Four R's of Broadcasting & Why They Matter
Author: Bill Goodwill
Synopsis: A detailed discussion of why TV and radio stations use
PSAs in spite of the fact that they derive no revenue from them.
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PSA Contests
Author: Bill Goodwill
Staging a PSA contest is an inexpensive way to get high-quality PSAs produced and this article
covers the advantages to both the non-profit sponsor as well as the student producers.
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